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Reviews and Criticism

I Am Not Okay With This, Ugly Delicious and Hunters

UGLY DELICIOUS Season 2 (Netflix)

 Chef David Chang continues to explore the food of different cultures and the commonalities that bind us all. Features Danny McBride and Aziz Ansari. Very entertaining and also very bingeable.


I Am Not Okay with This ( Netflix) follows Syd (played by Sophia Lillis from Sharp Objects, It Part One) navigating the usual waking nightmare of high school: Cliques, bullying, a best friend who she secretly fancies, the usual stuff. One exception though: she’s developed superpowers.


HUNTERS ( Amazon)

A motley group of Nazi hunters living in 1977 New York, lead by Al Pacino's Meyer Offerman, track and kill Nazi war criminals who they believe are conspiring to create a Fourth Reich in the U.S. Hunters melds fact (‘Operation Paperclip’ - google it) and fictional genre elements to create a highly entertaining mix of comic book style pulp and moving drama, that is both provocative and fun. It’s copped critical heat because of this mix of styles but it’s intent is honourable. The way it addresses antisemitism in the USA and incorporates historical fact about the US Government’s complicity in giving refuge to war criminals is commendable.

Jarrod WalkerComment