Living with Yourself is something of a low-fi, science fiction/high concept approach to a relationship drama. It follows Miles (played by Paul Rudd) who languishes unhappily in a marriage to Kate (played by Aisling Bea). They barely communicate, stuck in a rut, on IVF trying to conceive and Miles’ marketing job is draining his life force on a daily basis. He’s so depressed he can barely summon the energy to even go about his day.
Miles takes advantage of an opportunity suggested by a co-worker : to undergo a spa treatment at a very drab strip mall in the middle of suburbia – resembling a Chinese Medicine clinic. The treatment in essence -is meant to kill Miles and replace him with a rejuvenated clone of himself – a clone which has all his memories but hasn’t been worn down by the grind of forty odd years of living. This doesn’t go to plan, so these two versions of Miles need to find a way to co-exist. The new version who’s chipper, charming and happy - and the dour, sad and shabbily attired original Miles.